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Interactions of chromatic and lens-induced defocus during visual control of eye growth in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus)

作者:Liqin Jiang , Sen Zhang, Frank Schaeffel , Shibo Xiong, Yibo Zheng , Xiangtian Zhou , Fan Lu , Jia Qua

Progressive Myopia or Hyperopia Can Be Induced in Chicks and Reversed by Manipulation of the Chromaticity of Ambient Light

作者:Wallace S. Foulds,Veluchamy A. Barathi, and Chi D. Luu



Myopia induced by flickering light in guinea pigs: a detailed assessment on susceptibility of different frequencies

作者:Yue Di, Rui Liu, Ren-Yuan Chu, Xing-Tao Zhou, Xiao-Dong Zhou


作者:徐艳春 范春雷 马小力 张福生 田晓丹 詹立辉



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